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How to Write a Comparative Literature Essay for Your English Coursework?

Make it short and simple. It should summarize your essay

· online essay writing

Comparative literature, a nightmare for students doing English coursework. But, not anymore. Yes, here is an article on how to write a comparative literature essay for your coursework. This can drive all your fears away.

Basically, comparative literature is an academic field. It deals with literature and cultural expressions across the globe. This resembles the study of international relations, but through the culture, languages and artistic traditions. In other words, a study of international relations from the inside.

A comparative essay is an essay that is subjected to compare/contrast two different topics from a similar background. This is quite a challenge because the two topics are very similar. One needs to be fully attentive and focused to read, analyze, understand and interpret the outcome. Sounds tough? English essay writing help provided by Assignment Prime can help you.

But, before that let’s take a look at how to write a comparative essay.

Basically, there are these three concepts of comparison that can be used to compare and contrast two weights.

  1. Taking both the sides into consideration and weighing them both the same with minimal differences.
  2. Taking both the sides into consideration and weighing one (say first) from the key of another (second).
  3. Taking both the sides into consideration and weighing one (say second) from the key of another (first).
How to Write a Comparative Literature Essay for Your English Coursework?

Don’t know how to structure your comparative essay? We can provide you with the best essay writing help. However, if you still want to do it by yourself, here is a step-by-step guide on structuring your comparative essay.

1. Introduction

The introduction is the gateway for your essay. It should be interesting and captivating. Your English essay should include the following three points:

  • Frame of reference

This means the group under which you chose to compare the two topics. This can be a question, idea, problem, theory, theme, etc. This acts as an umbrella under which the two topics are held.

  • Grounds for comparison

This means the reason behind which, you chose to compare these two things. This acts as a common platform for both the topics.

  • Thesis

Your introduction should include a thesis statement that gives a clear picture of your essay. A creative beginning, followed by these three aspects would make your introduction complete.

2. Body

After completing the introduction part, comes the main part of the essay. The body of an essay is the vital part of the essay. Your essay’s body should have the following elements to make it worth a read.

  • Organization skills

This is how you organize your essay. Since we are writing a comparative essay, it can be organized in any of the following manner.

1. Text by text - All about one followed by the second
2. Point by point - Mention all points of one followed by the second
3. Alternating text - Write points of both, alternating each other.

  • Linking

There should be a proper linking between the paragraphs. Each paragraph should act like a step for your essay. And each step should be related to the last one and stronger than the previous one.

  • Break long paragraphs

Shorten your long paragraphs. Long paragraphs make the reader disinterested in your work and also create a clumsy look. So, break those long ones into something short and to-the point.

3. Conclusion

The conclusion is the winding part of your essay. Make it short and simple. It should summarize your essay. Always use the analytical writing style and use your own voice to make your essay more professional and interacting.

This is how to write a comparative literature essay. If you are still struggling with yours, Assignment Prime provides the best assignments writing help australia for students.